Route 39 Team


Sharon | Founder

Sharon is a Digital Entrepreneur and has worked in diverse sectors from tech-start-ups and outsourced sales. She is passionate about technology and all things data.

Ryan | Operations Officer

Ryan has been building online businesses since early 2000! He’s responsible for website development, marketing and investigating new market opportunities.

Steven | Developer

Steven is our IT guy. He, eats, sleeps and dreams about coding! He knows a thing or two about PHP and pretty much anything about CMS.

Nick | IT Support

Nick is a full stack PHP expert and gets excited by new challenges. He drinks far too much coffee but balances things out by taking long hikes.

Angela | Support

Angela is the glue that keeps us together, she makes sure our participants enjoy our competitions…she also makes a mean cheesecake.

Pretty | Support

The newest addition to our team, Pretty is sure to wow all those she comes into contact with her superpower admin skills.